Weekend Thought Provokers

  • How an Attitude can change the world

    Posted April 1, 2011 By in Weekend Thought Provokers With | No Comments

    Nick Vujicic has a much harder life than any of us can even really relate to yet he carries with him one of the most positive and grateful attitudes I’ve ever seen. Watch this short clip and then lets talk about just what an attitude can really do to change the world.

    As you have now seen Nick has a genuine and deep love for life and, as you can imagine, an extra sense of appreciation for even the simplest things that most of us take for granted. When was the last time you consciously gave thanks for you ability to hold your wifes, husbands, girlfriend or boyfriends hand? When was the last time you said thank you for the ability to open your own door or feed yourself? When was the last time you even thought about it?

    We all go through life with blinders of our own design on blocking out the perspectives, opinions, viewpoints, pleasure and pain that we don’t want to accept in our lives. Unfortunately, as we get older we often fail to realize just how tall and imposing these blinders have become. We let the littlest thing disrupt and disturb our attitude without thinking about how it will impact the rest of our day, week, month or year.

    Look at all the things that Nick has accomplished and experienced, all the obstacles that he’s overcome and ask yourself, would he have been able to do any of these things if he had a poor and negative attitude? If he felt that life was unfairly testing him and that it had taken away his opportunity and ability to enjoy life?

    He may have reached for and attained some things but certainly not with the bright smile and wonderful energy that he has now and I doubt that he would have accomplished nearly as much without that. I think one of the lessons we can take from this is that unless we start to foster a positive can-do attitude our dreams, hopes and ambitions run the risk of being waylaid by a negative and destructive attitude.

    I encourage you to watch this video again and look at how much Nick’s attitude not only changed his life but the lives of all those children he talked to and shared his story with, there is a deep and lasting change in their eyes. Watching this short video clip has certainly already changed my life, my opinions and my Attitude.

    Thanks Nick,
    – Tim

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